Our Process

Zen Financial Planning, LLC is a dedicated to helping our clients build wealth and protect their hard-earned assets. Our firm is completely independent, so our loyalty belongs exclusively to our clients.

The process we follow in completing a total financial strategy consists of:

  • Gathering and analyzing your financial situation to develop a clear picture of your specific needs, assets, liabilities, and risk tolerance;
  • Designing a financial strategy that takes into account the full range of needs you have now, and those needs you may have in the future; and
  • Periodically reviewing your strategy, consulting with you to make appropriate adjustments, and assisting you in keeping your plan on track.

We work exclusively on fee-based compensation. This approach takes commissions out of the equation and helps ensure that you receive objective advice that fits your particular needs and situation, not some hidden agenda. It also means that we are here for you, ready to offer ongoing financial guidance whenever you need it, whether or not you are ready to invest.